the moodboard featured below is has been used to refrence images from the historic time period
The moodboard featured below has reference images connected to the historic figure.
character design
Level design

Game development process

i Started off by creating the first room of the game. i mported assetts i had previously created in photoshop
Then i went on to create the player Object. as i was going to have an animation i did not assign a sprite directly to Obj but instead gace it a sprite on the create event. 
the step event on my player object is what i used to generate gravity onto my player so that my character could jump, this also meant you can not infinitly jump and avoid obstacles. and the A & D keys i added movement this is to so the character can move aswell as adding a sprite change so that the sprite animates while in motion and becomes idle when there is no input
i've added a collision event onto my pagoda tower so that when the player collides it stops the back ground music and takes the player to level 1 of the tower. 
on the create event of the controller it starts the background music this way i can place the controller in each of the rooms and the music will play. on the "Escape" key press event it closes down the game. on the "backspace" key press the game will restart. the draw event will draw the amount of coins the player has collected 
the tori gate has been used as the exit to the game as when the player collides with the gate the game is finished. 
On the create event i have set the enemies horizontal speed to -1 and set the direction to 180. when the player collides with an enemy the player will here the death sound, the  coins will be set - 1 relative to the current amount of coins, finally the background music will be stopped
when the player collides with the ladder the player will hear the sound of success before taking the player to level 2,3,4 and 5. finally it will stop the background music
on the create event the pagoda controller creates an instance of the enemy object, then sets an alarm for 120 steps. in the alarm event i used the create random object action to create enemies and coins, then set the alarm to 120 steps
when player collides with the macbeth object, the power up sound will play and set the coin amount to 10 relative to the current amount before destroying the instance of the macbeth object
on the create event i set the horizontal speed of the coin to -1 and set the direction to 180. when the player collides with coin the coin pickup sound will play then it will set the coins to 1 relative to the current amount of coins
Indie Game

Indie Game
